For the most part, we are not provided a "road map" to navigating our personal healing.
We may have a sense as to why we're unfulfilled but the real source of our issues are outside of our conscious awareness. This is because our brain is tasked with keeping us going, and does not have the resources to resolve all of our outstanding issues.
Working with Liam is an opportunity to move more issues from the unconscious, or subconscious, to the conscious mind, where the issues can be understood and healed.
What is a Reading?
A reading is as varied as the people who seek them out.
Some people expect psychics to know everything about them by just talking to them, others go to "prove" that the psychic is wrong, and want to be right. Although the word "psychic" is often sensationalized in the media to depict an all-knowing mystic that can accurately predict future events; the real benefit of a psychic reading is to check-in with what is happening in your life now.
Reassurance & Personal Agency
Oftentimes, when people want to know the future, it is because they are anxious about what is happening in their lives and want to know "what happens next" to reassure them about the present. The future doesn't exist, despite what some charlatan "fortune-teller" might say, because we all have agency and the ability to change our course of action.
Reading the Subconscious
Instead of seeing what happens next, an intuitive life coach can help you see what issues are making your present challenging, and assist you in addressing those. In a reading, we dissect your issues by looking at the energy that lies behind them. For instance, you could be experiencing a challenging relationship dynamic, so we would address the underlying issues of doubt, trust, and low self-esteem that is manifesting as your inability to have healthy boundaries or patterns of communication.